Submission Guidelines

Prompts found on Lazy Prompts must go through a review process. The aim of this guide is to provide you with general guidelines as to the characteristics of prompts we look for during the process to increase the odds that your prompt will be approved. The following is not an exhaustive list but should steer you in the right direction.

  1. Safe: first and foremost, the prompt must be safe. We will decline any prompt that has the potential to cause harm, for example chatbot prompts that provide medical advice, or prompts that promote illegal activity.
  2. English Language: Lazy Prompts will only accept prompts written in the English language and this applies to directions as well. Note that this is different than prompts that take in data and input in other languages (but the prompt has to be in English along with the directions).
  3. Clear Instructions: prompts must have clear and easy to follow directions accompanying them. Instructions should be specific to the prompt, not just generic tips.
  4. Good Use Case(s): the use-case should be good and compelling enough to attract interest from potential buyers to be sold on Lazy Prompts.
  5. Unique: prompts that are unique in their design and intent of use.

While we try to be as objective as we can during the review process, inevitably some subjectivity will come into play. We reserve the right to accept or reject prompts and to change the eligibility of a prompt as we deem appropriate.