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Example Outputs
Korean Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wBB0dvv4fq8
This is Paper Rose. It's been a long time since I did a pen review content, but I'm back today. I came directly to Itoya Ginza Main Store, which is known as the mecca of pen lovers. This Itoya is the largest stationery editing shop in Japan. But, I want to introduce you to a pen that costs a whopping 11 million won (around 10,000 USD). That's the same price as a Kia Morning car in Korea. It's really unbelievable. I don't understand which brand and what kind of pen costs 11 million won, but let's take a look together. Here we are on the third floor of Itoya, where the fountain pen section is located. You can find almost all kinds of fountain pens from various brands. Ah, there is a 2.2 million won fountain pen. But, I'll show you the 11 million won pen in a moment. You can take a quick look at this 2.2 million won pen. This is a 20th anniversary commemorative fountain pen made by Nakaya, a fountain pen specialist company. It's said that many foreign tourists buy it. The reason why it's expensive is that the pen is made of ebonite. Nowadays, there are few craftsmen who carve ebonite, so its rarity has increased. That's why the price has gone up naturally. The case made of leather costs 33,000 won, the pen holder is 99,000 won, and the ink bottle costs about 40,000 won. If you buy the set, it will cost around 2.4 million won. For those who think the 700,000 won Apple Pencil is expensive, the pens that cost 6-8 million won start to appear as we go up to the upper section. These are products from the Izumo line made by Platinum.
Japanese Video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Y0fp38ON14
Hello, this is Emoko. Today, I would like to compare the writing experience between a cheap glass pen that I previously purchased and the HARIO glass pen, which is known for being a heat-resistant glass manufacturer. Although I initially thought that the glass on the HARIO pen would be strong because of their reputation, I was actually drawn to the simplicity of its design. The transparent glass with no color was also a selling point. The box even says, "We designed this pen to be simple, so that you can feel at ease and write down your creative ideas. Enjoy watching the clear glass color."
Upon opening the box, I noticed that the pen had a unique design with a curved top that made it easier to hold. There is also a version called the "GROOM" with a rounded grip. The pen writes in a medium-fine to medium width and has a thick and compact body. It is 10mm wide, 10mm deep, and 130mm high. Although it is smaller than a typical ballpoint pen, it feels just the right size when held.
The HARIO glass pen won the Grand Prix in the Design category at the 29th Japan Stationery Fair in 2020. As for the price, the cheap glass pen set that I previously purchased was around 500 yen on Amazon, while the HARIO glass pen BRIDE is priced at 7,700 yen. Both pens are easy to hold and write with, but the BRIDE's grip is more comfortable for me.
I tested both pens on a 5mm grid notebook and was able to write about seven lines with the cheap pen and 15 lines with the BRIDE. The BRIDE has a larger nib and more grooves for ink, allowing for twice as much writing compared to the cheap pen. The HARIO glass pen BRIDE is recommended for those who appreciate a simple design and those who are looking to upgrade from a cheap glass pen.
English to Spanish
Un comerciante malintencionado es un término para un trader financiero autorizado a realizar operaciones en nombre de su empleador que, en cambio, realiza operaciones no autorizadas. El factor clave es la falta de autorización. Ha habido pérdidas financieras colosales y bancarrotas como resultado de malas decisiones tomadas por los tomadores de decisiones principales en la industria financiera, un buen ejemplo es la bancarrota de Lehman Brothers, pero esto no suele describirse como un comercio malintencionado y generalmente no es punible penalmente. La película Rogue Trader de 1999 sobre el corredor de derivados Nick Leeson y su papel en el colapso de Barings Bank en 1995 llevó el término a la corriente principal. Hay una larga historia, por supuesto, de estos incidentes en el mundo del comercio y las finanzas con muchos personajes realmente coloridos e historias locas. He tratado de reducirlo a una lista que incluye tanto las mayores pérdidas como las historias más locas. Hay algunas historias realmente locas en la lista, pero si hay algunas historias de comerciantes malintencionados geniales que debería haber incluido, háganmelo saber en la sección de comentarios a continuación. Entonces, en el número 10 está Nick Leeson, probablemente el comerciante malintencionado más conocido, famoso por la quiebra de Barings Bank, el banco de comerciantes más antiguo del Reino Unido, en 1992. Al abrirse Bearings en Singapur, Leeson fue nombrado para liderar tanto las operaciones de la oficina delantera como las de la oficina trasera. A Leeson se le había negado una licencia de corredor en el Reino Unido por cometer fraude en su solicitud. Ni Leeson ni Bearings lo divulgaron cuando solicitó su licencia en Singapur. Desde el principio, Leeson realizó operaciones especulativas no autorizadas ocasionalmente. Abrió una cuenta falsa de clientes que afirma que se usó por primera vez para ocultar un error cometido por uno de sus colegas que vendió futuros accidentalmente cuando se le pidió que los comprara. Leeson había oído que el número ocho se consideraba afortunado en Asia, así que le dio a esta cuenta el número 8888.
English to French: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yr4ztNAEP6Y
[Reporter] C'est pourquoi Twitter a 13 milliards de dollars de nouvelles dettes qu'il a contractées fin 2022. Elon Musk n'a pas commencé les problèmes de Twitter. Il n'avait pas enregistré de bénéfices annuels depuis 2019, mais dans les mois qui ont suivi ce tweet, ses finances se sont drainées. Les revenus ont chuté d'environ 40% d'une année sur l'autre en décembre. Pourtant, Musk est optimiste quant à l'avenir de Twitter.
[Musk] Je pense que nous avons une chance d'être positifs en termes de flux de trésorerie au prochain trimestre.
[Reporter] Mais à quel point cela est-il possible? Examinons le flux de trésorerie de Twitter avant et après la prise de contrôle de Musk pour voir comment ses revenus ont changé et pourquoi il insiste sur le fait que Twitter va décoller à nouveau bientôt.
Les problèmes de flux de trésorerie de Twitter ont commencé avant la prise de contrôle de Musk de l'entreprise. Elle avait enregistré une perte au cours de huit des dix dernières années.
La dernière année complète pour laquelle nous avons des chiffres est 2021. Ils ont enregistré environ 5 milliards de dollars de revenus et ont également enregistré environ 5,5 milliards de dollars de coûts, ce qui montre que les finances de l'entreprise étaient un peu tendues même avant la prise de contrôle.
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